Phase II property clearing. This stage was completed by a professional - Neighbour Robert of Sawyer's Tree Service. We had wanted to use someone local, and you can't get more local than the guy who lives on the property immediately next to yours! The goal for 2020 and Phase II
Long term planning. As Michaël said one time, he plans to live on the property until he dies. We are not intending on having to sell the property. However, you never know how life will work out, so it is something that we have thought about and are planning for. There will be
Phase I property clearing. The tree clearing process officially kicked off in March 2020. Gavin, Heather, and Cousin Andrew (Gavin's cousin) drove out to Vancouver Island to get the property clearing started. The first night they crashed at Harry and Janyce's house in Nanaimo, and the following morning drove up
The property layout. Only a few weeks after we bought the property we all spent Christmas in Canmore. One of the last nights, after Eloïse went to bed, the four of us sat down together to discuss the property layout. We drew a rough sketch of the layout for the two houses and
Snow. Vancouver Island gets snow? We thought people moved there to get away from it. Well we have owned West Coast RSB for just over a year - two winters - and it has already snowed there twice! The first snowfall Gavin and Heather got to experience in February 2019. This
The name. Spring 2019 and we still didn't have a name for the property! Now most people would think this is a silly and unnecessary thing to do, but Sara and Heather have always found this sort of thing entertaining (or maybe just Heather). We all own a property together,
Fishing. As everyone is aware (and if you're not you don't know Gavin very well) Gavin loves fishing, talking about fishing, thinking about fishing, researching fishing locations, anything fishing. Even at 2 years old Eloïse knew "Gavin likes fishes". Gavin and Heather went to visit
We did it. We never thought it would take so long to buy the property. There was a lot of back-and-forth between both parties. The process of buying the property went something like this: August 2018 - We looked at the property and decided we were interested. September 2018 - We did some
The first look. Harry and Janyce took Eloïse for the day... so Sara, Michaël, and Heather could go look at a property in Fanny Bay, BC. We checked it out - walked among the trees and copious vegetation, looked in the well shed - then stopped for a snack at Fanny Bay Trading
The beginning. It all started as a dream... after we (Sara, Michaël, Heather, and Gavin) had a discussion about what we would love to have in life. Turns out, we wanted the same thing: land, a house, a garden, and a large garage/shop. One of us (we don't remember