
Vancouver Island gets snow? We thought people moved there to get away from it.

Well we have owned West Coast RSB for just over a year - two winters - and it has already snowed there twice!

The first snowfall Gavin and Heather got to experience in February 2019. This was the first chance that Gavin had to see and step foot on the property, and it had a foot of snow on it. What luck, good or bad we're not sure?

Visiting the property with all this snow ended up being a great time to meet a lot of the neighbours. Two of them took the opportunity to go for a cross-country ski on the road. Then another neighbour came walking up the road. He had tried to go to Bowser to buy a shovel but ended up sliding his car off his driveway when trying to leave. He was looking for neighbour Ernie to help him pull his car out. Luckily we had been chatting with Ernie when this all happened. It was great, the neighbours were all so friendly. It also showed us that they indeed were as helpful as we had experienced in the past (see comment about Robert in the post "The first look").

Our road, with enough snow to ski on.

Mid-January 2020 Janyce and Harry let us know that it had snowed again in Fanny Bay. Enough to show snowbanks on the BC Roads webcams from the area.

January 2020 also had record precipitation for the area. The Bowser weather station documented 447.5 mm of rain! That is too much. Who needs or wants 45 cm / 17.5 inches of rain in one month? We will definitely try to store as much of the winter rain as we can to help in the super dry summer months. Maybe we could use it to water our big cedar tree!